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The people from North know how to party! Christos and Eliza got married in Kalamaria - Thessalonoki。 ​


The attitude of the people there was just amazing,We are very happy to film their wedding along with good friends。​Hope you enjoy!


                                                                                                         By Nikos Dimou​​

                   Create Your Dream Wedding with Amazing destinations




      From the top of the world to the most secret beaches; from a private island to the warm hospitality of a secluded tribe. Rent a private space in the destination of your choice and rule your world for the time of your wedding. Board a luxurious yacht for an unforgettable expedition on the Romantic River. Or Dine , party and sleep in a beautifully preserved castle.

We have learned that when planning luxury programs, our primary source of inspiration is our customers. Do not hesitate sharing with us your interests and requests and we will use our connections to propose a matching experience of the highest quality.


從世界的頂峰﹐到最隱秘的海灘; 從私人島嶼到僻靜但熱情好客的部落。一系列「尚未過度商業化」的海外婚禮地點﹐帶來獨ㄧ無二的旅遊體驗,您也可以選擇的目的地中租用私人島嶼﹐讓您享受絕對隱私的婚禮時光。登上豪華遊艇﹐深入浪漫海域﹐展開一段難忘的海洋之旅。或在完好保存的城堡裡享用法國高級美食美酒與舉辦私人浪漫婚宴及休息住宿。


How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everydays
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhoods faith
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, -- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, and all my life -- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.








La Mode Artistry


                2013  婚紗蕾絲當道,Christos以輕柔蕾絲設計典雅飄逸款式,來展現新嫁娘的優雅氛圍。


                                        Vera Wang flagship store  is here in Taiwan......

                                                   Vera Wang旗艦店隆重在台登場


全台首間 VERA WANG 品牌旗艦店已於2013年10月16日 (星期三) 下午 14:30 正式開幕,位於台北 BELLAVITA 寶麗廣塲二樓,整間店沿襲洛杉磯的Melrose Avenue旗艦店設計風格,以極簡格調裝潢60坪的空間。整間店沿襲洛杉磯的Melrose Avenue旗艦店設計風格,以極簡格調裝潢60坪的空間。


Vera Wang 禮服以極簡紐約時尚的高雅設計,掀起一場頂級婚紗革命,這場婚紗革命即將席捲台灣傳統的婚紗消費習慣。在 VERA WANG 的婚紗王國裡,打破傳統婚紗的複雜與華麗,以精緻手工、細節柔美呈現出女性的獨特魅力。許多好萊塢巨星和名媛欽點披上這完美的嫁衣,其中包括莎朗史東、凱 特哈特森等。身為女性的妳,妳還不心動嗎?



VERA WANG婚紗價格區間落在新台幣15至50萬之間,平均價位約22萬左右,從確認款式與量身後,約歷經兩個半月至三個月的製程就可以收到禮服,讓新人有充 足時間籌畫婚禮,針對一個半月內的急件,VERA WANG會收取額外的急件費,安排全球訂單優先處理,讓顧客可以提前取件。


VERA WANG TAIWAN 品牌旗艦店除了其核心的婚紗系列,同時結合高級成衣、香水、配飾和家居領域,反映出品牌希冀打造全方位時尚生活的願景,此將完整呈現於全台唯一 VERA WANG 品牌旗艦店。


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