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Since 1837, Tiffany & Co. has been the world's premier jeweler and America's house of design.

Tiffany Glamour

Jean Schlumberger’s fantastical Plumes necklace of diamonds, sapphires and rubies.

Tiffany & Co. received the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Goal Achievement Award

Last week, Tiffany & Co. received the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Goal Achievement Award for excellence in greenhouse gas management at the second annual Climate Leadership Awards in Washington, D.C. Learn more about our efforts to minimize their environmental footprint:

A brilliant proposal

Get more ideas to find your perfect Tiffany engagement ring:

winners of the 2012 Major League Soccer (MLS) Cup

Congratulations to the LA Galaxy, winners of the 2012 Major League Soccer (MLS) Cup and recipients of the championship rings, created by Tiffany & Co.

Best Supporting Actress winner Anne Hathaway made a glamorous statement at tonight’s Academy Awards® in a Tiffany diamond necklace from the 2013 Blue Book Collection, Lucida® earrings and diamond bracelets.

Anne Hathaway accented a hot pink dress with Elsa Peretti® Diamonds by the Yard® earrings at  Les Misérables premiere in Paris.


                                        Above All, A Tiffany Heart


The Treasures of Tiffany

絢麗傳奇設計   175週年璀璨獻禮


            世界頂級珠寶商Tiffany & Co. 榮耀175年璀璨傳承,於西元20126月來台展出「The Treasures of Tiffany頂級珠寶展」,一系列絢麗設計、工藝精湛的頂級珠寶,薈萃呈獻175年的時尚傳奇




            西元1837年,品牌成立之初,創辨人Charles Lewis Tiffany旋即以其獨具慧眼的美學眼光,重新定義了全球精品時尚的魅力、優雅與傳奇風格,175年後,這樣的珠寶藝術仍受世人傳誦珍藏,更於2012 The Treasures of Tiffany頂級珠寶展嶄露無遺。本次珠寶展囊括了多件極其珍貴的Blue Book珠寶作品1845年問世的Tiffany Blue Book,是每年珠寶收藏家引領期盼的珠寶聖典,其匯集全世界最華麗、最具傳世之美的藝術珠寶,包含氣勢非凡的頂級白鑽、絢麗珍稀的罕見彩鑽、色彩瑰豔的有色寶石,為展覽更添撼動人心的奢華震撼。


            除此之外,獨家設計師作品更是Tiffany與眾不同之處,珠寶寫詩聞名的設計師約翰史隆伯傑Jean Schlumberger將帶來許多創意奔放的大自然創作,18K金鑲嵌鑽石及有色寶石詮釋動人珍禽與絕美花卉,作品極其華麗鮮豔、寶石的車工及淨度皆極為講究、鑲嵌設計更是令人驚喜萬分。這些珠寶創作都將在這次The Treasures of Tiffany頂級珠寶展中,交織呈現出無與倫比的雍容氣勢,一展175年不朽傳奇。

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