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關於美商NEWAYS 遠景

在此提供新衛斯Neways 產品相關介紹,找出您適合的商品,因新衛斯是採會員推薦制,您可以透過我們推薦號碼成為會員,或是在產品使用初期,與我們一起團購直接獲得同樣與會員等值 七折。Neways於1992年成立,2006年,直銷公司在美國排名第五,日本排名第二,­­­­澳洲排名第三。在美國及日本這兩個直銷環境最競爭的國 家中, 經過市場考驗後,創­造­出­亮­麗而傲人的成績--Neways是一家值得您信賴並且永續經營的公司。 目前開發29個國家包括台灣及香港市場,中國市場也可以步局. 產品是世界高標準的包括所以保健,生活用品,清潔及天然彩妝...在2009年Neways已在日本成為第二名,年收益700億日元。 Neways products are not available from retail shops or discount supermarket outlets,You can only buy them Direct from NEWAYS with your own membership number and apply a membership number from a NEWAYS Distributor. You can be a Distributor or simply buy Direct by joining this very exclusive club and get membership number from us. Neways is a long established (over 25 years) company in the health and wellness niche. There are excellent opportunities for business minded individuals to earn money through Neways International MLM (Multi level Marketing) programs which have paid out over 2 Billion Dollars to its representatives in its 25 year history.Neways is a leader in the health and fitness, health and wellness,health and beauty and health and nutrition areas. It will be of immense benefit to everyone interested in cancer prevention, health and well being. Want to learn more about private inquiry or send email to : 任何相關資訊問題請來信

Neways : Ni Ni

Skype: ivytsaidemi

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