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          Nowadays, scients already help us to discovered several ECO materails to replace traditional plastics. Roughly, we can divide them into 2 groups, one is petroleum-based materail, and the other is bio-based materail. Even both of these 2 groups can be back to nature at appropriate conditions and help reduce carbon release. However, Bio-Based materail is real renewable.



         PLA is abbreviation of poly-lactic acid or polylactide, which is made from lactic acid.  Lactic acid is made from dextrose by fermentation.  Dextrose is made from starch and starch is made from carbon dioxide and water.



        This green biopolymer comes from nature and goes to nature. It's the best candidate to compete with petroleum-based plastics and is already applied in various industrial fields including packaging and service-ware markets. In the short future, it can replace and substitute all the plastic items around our life such as food containers, toys, 3C devices and daily accessories.



        PLA studio 是專門設計及生產綠色環保商品,商品訴求為1.安全無毒2.低碳排放3.外型新穎4.功能實用 ,且生產過程不造成環境破壞及傷害., 產品最終可達自然分解, 完全無毒, 友善加工 , 沒有地球污染….等問題。


        Eco your Life 為PLA studio推廣的品牌精神, 與其他環保企業最大的不同在於從原料端的挑選,即採用通過世界認證,從植物澱粉萃取而成的PLA材料 , 經過多年的研發與努力,才得以成功跨越以往PLA加工應用的門檻 , 在業界可說是無人能及, 並以”環保”及”時尚”作為設計雙軸心,開發一系列活潑有趣的家用品,顛覆傳統綠色產品的生硬外型,讓環保不再有距離,豐富你我的生活。


       PLA studio 讓環保不再只是理想及口號,而是具體的實踐!


      Eco your Life 友愛地球,生活做起!

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          Modere products help families maximize their health and beauty while minimizing their exposure to potentially harmful ingredients. With safety and effectiveness in mind, our product experts combine the best of science and nature. Nature creates it, science refines it, and Neways delivers it.


          Now operating in 29 countries, Modere provides a lucrative business opportunity to our independent distributors. For 25 years, we’ve been increasing the prosperity and financial security of families around the world. Under the leadership of our new CEO, Robert Conlee, Neways is positioned to grow more than ever.


          Whether you want to make your home a Modere Healthy Home, pursue the Modere business opportunity, or just learn more about our company, we welcome you to Neways.




         Modere業務遍及全球29個國家,給全球的活躍經銷商提供優渥的事業機會。25 年來,新衛斯一直致力於提供富足和財務保障給全球的家庭。在我們新任執行長羅勃特•康利的領導下,將致力於更勝以往的成長。無論您想將自己的家庭打 造成一個新衛斯全方位健康家庭,追求創業機會或瞭解更多關於公司的詳盡資訊,我們都會對您說聲「歡迎」。

         在此我們提供各種身心靈排毒新知,讓您能夠重獲一個美麗人生。We offer any kinds as detoxification, toxic substance, promote metabolism ...etc. Not only for your body , but also for your mind.


        也提供Modere 產品相關介紹,找出您適合的商品,因新衛斯是採會員推薦制,您可以透過我們推薦號碼成為會員等值 七折。Modere於1992年成立,2006年,直銷公司在美國排名第五,日本排名第二,­­­­澳洲排名第三。在美國及日本這兩個直銷環境最競爭的國 家中, 經過市場考驗後,創­造­出­亮­麗而傲人的成績。


       MODERE是一家值得您信賴並且永續經營的公司。 目前開發29個國家包括台灣及香港市場,中國市場也可以步局. 產品是世界高標準的包括所以保健,生活用品,清潔及天然彩妝...



         Modere products are not available from retail shops or discount supermarket outlets,You can only buy them Direct from NEWAYS  with your own membership number and apply a membership number from a modere Distributor. You can be a Distributor or simply buy Direct by joining this very exclusive club and get membership number from us.


         Modere is a long established (over 25 years) company in the health and wellness niche. There are excellent opportunities for business minded individuals to earn money through Neways International MLM (Multi level Marketing) programs which have paid out over 2 Billion Dollars to its representatives in its 25 year history.Neways is a leader in the health and fitness, health and wellness,health and beauty and health and nutrition areas. It will be of immense benefit to everyone interested in cancer prevention, health and well being.


              Want to learn more about product or neways membership inquiry or send email to :


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