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“Fashion passes, style remains…”
This simple statement captures the essence of her revolutionary contribution to culture.
CHANEL continues, after almost a century, to inspire women of all ages all over the world with its timeless modernity.

The Chanel for the rugby world cup

To celebrate the Rugby World Cup, CHANEL has designed four leather rugby balls featuring the iconic quilting of the House.

The Chanel -               Boy Friend watches

With its classic good looks and excellent pedigree, the new Boy.Friend will take you anywhere, day or night, casual or dressy. I guess the question is, can you say the same about your boyfriend?
‪#‎ChanelBoyFriendWatches‬ will be available for sale starting in September 2015 and priced from $12,500 – $27,000 USD.

Mademoiselle Privé   exhibition

Mademoiselle Privé
Saatchi Gallery
Duke Of York's HQ
King's Road
London SW3 4RY

展期:2015年10月13日 – 11月1日



BLUE RHYTHM DE CHANEL sings a chorus in blue.
Discover all of the notes of BLUE RHYTHM at

The full film of the CHANEL Spring-Summer 2016 Ready-to-Wear fashion show that took place on October 6th, 2015 at the Grand Palais in Paris.

L'histoire d'une jeune orpheline devenue légende, Gabrielle Chanel. Le chapitre 5 de Inside CHANEL révèle les débuts modestes de Coco, de sa naissance en 1883 à la rencontre de l'homme de sa vie, Boy Capel. «COCO» dévoile la jeune femme derrière la légende, celle qui d'un coup de génie transforma la silhouette féminine. Coco Chanel a enterré une époque et a fait changer la mode de siècle.

                   Spring-Summer 2016 Ready-to-Wear show.

For CHANEL’s Spring-Summer 2016 Ready-to-Wear collection, Karl Lagerfeld transforms the Grand Palais into an airport. In front of check-in counters and beneath departure boards, hostesses and passengers head outward bound on CHANEL Airlines.

Passengers in this first class, the CHANEL ambassadresses Vanessa Paradis and Lily-Rose Deep, the British actresses Cara Delevingne and Kaya Scodelario, the American singers Yasiin Bey aka Mos Def, Janelle Monae and St Vincent, the Australian singers Say Loulou, and the French actresses Marine Vacth and Clotilde Hesme all came to the Spring-Summer 2016 Ready-to-Wear show.




London, October 12th, 2015 in the presence of ‪#‎KarlLagerfeld‬ at Saatchi Gallery, ‪#‎CHANEL‬ inaugurated the exhibition ' ‪#‎MademoisellePrive‬ ', a journey through the origins of CHANEL's creations capturing the charismatic personality and irreverent spirit of Mademoiselle Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld.








  2014. 02 香奈兒的蕾絲風情

        卡爾.拉格斐說“在30 年代,香奈兒的蕾絲比斜紋軟呢更廣為人知”,蕾絲若隱若現的透視感,賦予一種神秘的氣息;2014早春渡假系列,卡爾以白色薄紗襯著加萊蕾絲,塑造出早春全新的蕾絲設計,時尚且優雅的氣質,呼應香奈兒女士曾經說過「奢華精美指的是內外皆美」 瑞典女演員-ALICIA VIKANDER以一身海軍藍蕾絲上衣及短褲出席小黑外套展覽;特殊設計的領口映襯她精緻的臉龐,精細的蕾絲勾勒出絕佳氣質。



         法國女星-Helene Fillieres穿著米色蕾絲宮廷袖襯衫出席巴黎春夏訂製服秀,優雅的米色飾以華麗的袖口增添貴氣,加萊蕾絲上覆上一層薄薄的PVC,隨著光影折射增加了時尚感。近年來在法國時裝界擁有亮眼表現的超模-金禧以時髦的穿搭技巧,亮麗展現香奈兒蕾絲的不同風貌。合身外套以白色府綢襯出細緻蕾絲圖紋,並以中性設計剪裁,隨性地披在肩上,搭配皮革鉛筆裙及黑色長靴,呈現俐落的都會時尚感。 配件也覆上柔美迷人的蕾絲,以不同的姿態展現著。三色蕾絲條紋菱格紋包,以不同的蕾絲編織縫製,飾上珍珠鍊帶,可愛俏皮又不失柔美。令香奈兒女士深深地著迷的山茶花,米色蕾絲包裹花瓣,完美呈現嫵媚與簡約典範。



         雙色平底鞋,以米色蕾絲為鞋身,優雅的設計襯出仕女端莊的氣質。蹬上令人注目的蕾絲晚宴高跟鞋,修長的米色蕾絲鞋楦,腳背上有著蕾絲滾邊,使腿部線條顯得修長。海軍藍水手條紋手環,淺藍花卉蕾絲隱藏於其中,低調且精緻。 香奈兒女士曾說「我要成為未來趨勢的一部分,」。時至今日,卡爾.拉格斐將她所喜愛的蕾絲,設計在服裝、配件及鞋履上,每個設計都讓人愛不釋手。香奈兒2014早春系列展演出萬千風貌的蕾絲風情,再度引領時尚潮流。

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